Monday, December 18, 2023

Old Drawings 3

Dressing the Queen for the Ball. Same time as most of the other random shape drawings.

Something I for some reason drew twice in high school. Compare this to the second drawing from the last set, the blue random shape one.

Interview. Same time as the first one. Random shape.

Awkward turtle. High school.

Je suis un artiste.

Held up by a bear. HS random shape drawing.

Random shape drawing. Same time as the others pencil ones, 2013

High school

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Scripture in Verse: LINK

I previously posted on this blog the First Book of Samuel arranged into verse for chant, but I have since opened a new blog just for those, here:

I also have begun to post on YouTube a recording of it, here:

I don't know if I'll finish the recordings, but I wanted there to at least be an example of how it can be chanted.

I will also be posting 2 Samuel, and from there I'll hopefully arrange many more books of the Bible into verse. Hope you find it helpful for devotion and meditating on every word of God.

Old Drawings 3

Dressing the Queen for the Ball. Same time as most of the other random shape drawings. Something I for some reason drew twice in high school...