Monday, December 18, 2023

Old Drawings 3

Dressing the Queen for the Ball. Same time as most of the other random shape drawings.Something I for some reason drew twice in high school. Compare this to the second drawing from the last set, the blue random shape one.Interview. Same time as the first one. Random shape.Awkward turtle. High school.Je suis un artiste.Held up by a bear. HS random shape...

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Scripture in Verse: LINK

I previously posted on this blog the First Book of Samuel arranged into verse for chant, but I have since opened a new blog just for those, here: also have begun to post on YouTube a recording of it, here:

Friday, May 19, 2023

Old Drawings 2

Another random shape drawing (made out of a random scribble), one of my favorites2012/2013An even older random shape drawing, HSOops...I dropped my pencil #1, high schoolI was 21 and tripping. The first word is "Hm..."Weed was much less amicable.That's about as good as it gets after a while.Well I guess there was that. I misspelled my own made up word....

Friday, February 3, 2023

Old Drawings 1

 The first of a series of "random shape drawings" from 10 years ago. I scribbled a random shape and turned it into something. 2012/2013Junior year of high school.A dream I had I think also in high school, or maybe college. I didn't do a good job making it clear that the big bird is swatting the little birds away so they keep going over the same...

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Five and a Half Peaks (2020 - 2022 dreams)

1In the middle of the semester, my Lady summoned me to Heaven one day by the messenger Uriel. Behind my left and right shoulders he and another angel took me up into the blue sky. Out from the sky there materialized above me, from the left and right above me, from a height above I could not see, what looked at first like steps of stairs. The steps...

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 Drew this Jan 2021, based on May 2015.I added some other details to the original drawing, and I wish I had just left it alone, but the one part I forgot to add which I wish I did here was a small rainbow streaming down from the bird's be...

Friday, June 3, 2022

An [incomplete?] Poem About Mind-Body Alienation (Winter 2019/2020)

(This is a huge poem I wrote and I don't know quite what to do with it since I never finished it. I like certain parts of it but not really all of it. I began this in the winter of 2019/2020 as I was at the height of certain mental/emotional issues related to social anxiety, gender identity and body-mind...

Old Drawings 3

Dressing the Queen for the Ball. Same time as most of the other random shape drawings. Something I for some reason drew twice in high school...